April 27, 2020


Another day-another dollar.  My I am full of useless old sayings.  Actually another day-and closer to the end.  Don't need to explain what end.  Yesterday was another "happy day."   I am getting to love this zoom thing  Used it yesterday to talk to Sophia and Paul and oh yes their resident cat.  It was so much fun and especially good to see their faces and hear them talk.  We even put our respective cats up to see each other on the screen.  Mine was not at all impressed. I actually woke her to look and she was a little frightened .  But maybe next time. 

I am up and running (?)  Had breakfast of ham & eggs.  Good start.  Did my exercise from the SCV TV program for the day.  I tuned in ABC to hear My idol, Josh Groban sing.  WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD.  He was is rare form and enjoyed him.  So I brushed the cat. she loves to be brushed.  With her long hair, she needs all the help she can get.  Really loves it too much.  Now I will take a walk and then second cup and figure out the rest of the day.  Maybe just let what comes my way be what I will do.  No need to plan-SO BE IT.

Betty Boop

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