April 5, 2020


Yes it is beautiful.  If you could see our Court Yard.!!!  It is blooming with all colors of lilies. Not the Easter lilies though they will be blooming soon.  They are another story, to tell later as they bloom.  But for now there are red, white, yellow, mixed up colors and each stalk is supporting several blooms.  All the rain seems to have made them so full.  Among them are the roses.  So many kinds and they are blooming their best.  My friend Joe, who is a resident, lovingly cares for the garden.  Thanks to him, for he is faithful.  There seems to be something pretty  to see as we walk by it everyday.  You pass it as you go to almost any place you are headed.  Yes the clouds are nice this morning.  As I sat on my Balcony just now, I  thought all is well and soon will get even better.  Hang  in there and as we inter this Holy week of Easter, let's feel more than usual--HOPE.

Betty Boop

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