November 28, 2020

55 and wind!!

All right!  Did not take long for me to drink that coffee on the Balcony.  Actually we are expecting freezing next week.  I am getting in the Xmas mood early.  Taking out old decorations will do that.  I do something funny ,  In the last years I take my Christmas cups out and drink coffee or tea through the Holidays from them.  I don't have as many as I used to, so I rotate them.  Only 5 are left. All different and all gifts.  I used one of the favorites with HO HO HO printed on it.  Like that one, my friend Betty R. gave it to me.  Sweet friend is living in assisted living now.  Amy is bring the Mexican manger figures for me to use.  I bought them in Mexico one year when we were there for the Winter.  That was a fun time,  Several years we spent January and most of Feb, there near the Mexican border. Near Brownsville.  Big RV park full of Winter Texan's ( as they were called).  Us and many Mexicans.  Over the border we went to shop.  It was a fun time.  I bet they don't let you cross over as easy as we used to.  Nor would we even want to.  Things change,  Sometime change is good.



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