June 9, 2022


As I sat on the very cool Balcony just now, a Bluebird tried to steal a cracker and was successful as a rude Buble' scared it off. Need to hold a lesson in being polite to them. Anyway, I thought about what the meaning of the phrase Bluebird of Happiness meant and its origin.  As usual I am surprised at how smart Mr. Google is. The subject keeps going back to. Arkansas. But even way back to all kind of stories. Too much to tell. But they all use, happiness, as a part of what it means. They are beautiful birds, and I am glad we have them. Linda sees them in her yard too. Anyway, read about them when you have nothing else to do. My fellow SVU walkers are out this morning. Leading the pack was the couple I like to see. They were holding hands as they walk in tandem. with Mr. Bluebird of Happiness on their shoulder. My I am borrowing from all sources this morning. ZIPPY DO DAH.

BETTY (love that song) BOOP

p. s. just a little silliness-find your happiness today. 



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