October 11, 2022


So many. They feed, one gives a signal, and off they go squawking soooo loud. Then another waits a short while and signal is sounded and away they go. I am afraid they are getting too bold, and discussion will be made to remove a few of them. Hope not. What could I then write about? Well, there is always MR. FUNNY FLOWERPOT HAT. He just walked by. So nice on the Balcony this morning. And funny.

Hey, there is something that is frustrating to me. Not funny.  I cannot Multitask anymore. Takes longer to get anything done. Very annoying. This getting older is getting old. Why can't I take a package of cracker crumbs in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other to the Balcony? No, I must open the door with both hands, go back and get the crackers, then go back and get the coffee. Whew!! Small things, but each has to be done alone. Guess I have the time, so relax and enjoy the walk, after all, I do need all the exercise I can get. 

BETTY (kind of silly this morning) BOOP

p. s. go ahead, be a little silly for today. 



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