October 19, 2022


Well, maybe you are ready, but I am not yet. 33 degrees and cloudy? Nope, will wait till I can bring out my long wooly robe that my very thoughtful Niece gave me last year. It is not only pretty, but very warm. So, for today, let us write and drink coffee here inside where I am toasty and warm. Nothing like a bowl of Old-Fashioned oatmeal with the ever-present bananas. Especially when they are just ripe and not too "over the hill" I also say a fond farewell to Trader Joe's coffee, as I dipped all but one last Tbs. of coffee grounds. I have one left and tomorrow I will blend it with KROGER BREAKFAST BLEND, TO EASE THE SHOCK. I thank you, (other Joe) for the two lbs. you gifted me. Hope I don't shock Madam Givia with plain old coffee. Silly me. I need to get out more. 

You know, this is just a teaser for winter. We will be back in 80's this weekend. What a roller coaster. So MISS LADY WHO WEARS SHORTS, here's to you. May you stay brave among these ageing, wrinkled old legs, that used to me smooth and beautiful. Oh, me, close this nonsense down and get on with the game. 

BETTY(coffee is going to my head)BOOP

p. s. I just might make a last cup with that last spoonful, no will wait. 


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