October 16, 2022


As I sat down about 5:30 last evening to refill my mammoth pill boxes, the power suddenly went off. Enough light to finish the task, I thought it would pop right back on. But it did not. Even the telephone went off. Do you realize how many things depend on electricity? I found out. No elevator, no refrigerator, no TV, no clock except the wind-up mantel clock, (which I quickly made sure it was wound. I could go on and on. How to get down stairs with that rotator? Would the doors even open to outside. I went into panic mode. Of all things, I thought of the veggie soup I made and the fridge off. All in fane.  So Silly. I gathered all the candles and flash lights and hunkered down. Not knowing what was wrong. I finally made it to 9 o'clock and went to bed. No air, but thankfully it was not hot. The lights came back around midnight. I cranked the computer and found a message from management; the power was due to a failure in an computer. Power was off from Holmes Community College up through Sam's. So all is well. I  will have to clean up the mess I made with the candles and be thankful it did not last too long.

BETTY (back from Ftontier Days) BOOP

p. s. just like to read about those days.


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