September 6, 2023


 Don't know why. I will not complain. So many things are changing. I dreamed about a favorite Aunt last night. One of my Mother's sisters. The interesting one, who came from her home with her husband (wish I could remember his "nick" name, in Charlotte, N. C. No children, but she told her sisters how to raise their kids when she came. I liked her, she brought presents when she came. She also upset my Mom and her sisters a lot. Peggy was her name and she shared all her opinions. She of course was from the big city and had beautiful up to fashion clothes. Need a whole Blog to describe her. She was fun. Oh, yes she had red hair that was enhanced from a bottle!! cool!!! I was a naughty little girl and would slip around when they were in secret conversations and listen to things I knew nothing about. Bet they learned something new too. 


P. S.  all were relived when she left. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His name was “monkey”