March 26, 2019


I haven't told Bitsy yet, but it is the day for her visit to the Vet.  If I get the carrier out, she will know for sure.  Hope it is a success and a better plan can be made for her.  Smart Cat.  Thanks to Amy for help in this matter. 

I wish I could see the Spring flowers at Riverwood. Remember the Johnny-Jump-Ups. the Trillaum, violets ? nd many other wild thing at spring? I hope  the Lake is maintained as we used to do it.   I hope so.  It was a real gem right in the middle of the city and not many knew of it.  Eleven of houses backed up it and we had a group who always  worked as a  club to maintain its beautiful water and shore that backed up to each property.  We really enjoyed living there.   Memories galore of many events .   So much was shared with our family.  Memories again. Thank you Lord, I remember them.

Betty (down memory lane again)Boop

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