March 7, 2019


ow about

How ABOUT DARK GREEN?   Not so pretty?  I don't think so either.  Little excitement last evening.  About 4 or so the electricity went off.  A power fuse was blown or the crew in the halls said.   Be right back on mam!  Well the whole building was affected.  Do you know how quite is was?  Nothing to listen to or watch.  As it started to get dark, I was nervous.  I hunted candles and flashlight.  I had 7 candles going soon and Bitsy was excited.  I ate some cereal by candle light.  Not romantic.  But necessary.  So much is affected by electricity.  Really started to realize how so many people live that way all the time.  It came on around 6 or 7.  What a deal? We (Bitsy) and I made it and really enjoyed the candles for a treat.    Enough said.

Betty Boop

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