July 5, 2019


Yes, it was a good day.  The Choir sang our best.  I really enjoyed it. I like to read   Proverb's in the Bible from time to time.  I underline  ones I like.  Proverbs :16-31. " Long life is the reward of the righteous; grey hair is a glorious crown." Though my grey hair is hidden under the brown, it is a glorious crown.  Righteous?  Maybe.  I try.  Yesterday was so great as 6 of my "children" walked in to hear this old Grannie sing.  My heart overflowed  with JOY.  How much it meant to me.  At 92 I have been given a long life and that is my reward. 

The red roses made me happy. Something about roses and red ones are the best. I will enjoy them for days as I take care of them.  Today I will start to take the decorations down, but will remember this day and deposit it into the Memory Bank  and check it out for later.  Again I pressed the wrong button I guess and will end this in regular color. 

Betty Boop

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