July 30, 2019


What would we do without coffee filters?  You would have coffee grounds in your cup.  Found that out this morning.  Never did that before.   In the olden days, we had the perk kind of coffee pots.  Grounds did come through the medal kind  of filter that was built in. I think I remember that right. Anyway--why did my coffee have grounds?  Early in the morning, can't do much thinking.  But I realized the error.  Drank it anyway.  A little hard to not swallow a few coffee grounds. Cut my time on the Balcony short  so I could tell you that sad little story.  Not  an especially good way  to start the day.  I may just go back to hot tea.  Yet, hot tea goes with cold weather.  Doesn't coffee also?  No!! Coffee is a ritual and I guess I am hooked on it.
SO BE IT !!!

Betty Boop
P. S.  It took my second cup to realize my error.  How sleepy can I be?


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