July 7, 2019


I write in green today because the grass could use some rain.  I have a vast meadow to look at across the Lake and it is looking kind of dry in spots.  In Spring when we had so much rain, I did not think we would ever need some more.  Jan and Tommy both came to lunch yesterday.  We all had hamburgers in the Cyber. For some reason (this is rare) they were not their best.  Out of sweet potato  fries!!!.  Oh well, we enjoyed the visit anyway.  I am catching up from vacation and am enjoying being back in routine.  That is not a bad place to be here at SCV.  New things are always coming up.  I will just go with the flow and enjoy the things I want. I have learned I can not and do not want  to do it all like I did at first. 

Church this day and am concerned about our future.  We are getting smaller each Sunday.  My,  I have been there since the beginning and it is my Church home.  It makes me sad to see it this way.  Don't know it's future.  Even the Methodist as a whole are getting smaller.  I do believe in Methodist, my family and Truman's family go way back.  See no reach to change.  Maybe I will find a place somewhere.

Betty Boop

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