June 28, 2020


New walker wearing shorts, tank top, and a baseball cap.  Walking with a bounce to her step. She will get hot quick. Maybe she likes to sweat.  Some people think it does no good unless you work up a good sweat. To each his own.

I don't know why I thought of this game. Many thoughts come on the Balcony.  I loved playing Jacks.  You remember the little rubber ball and the silver jacks to go with it?  I think they come in colors now.  A game played indoors or outside.  Rain or shine,  alone to practice or for fun with a friend.  I loved the little red rubber ball.  So soft but hard enough to bounce just right.  Of course it got lost-maybe the cat got it.  I loved to play in the summer when you would look for a smooth part of the sidewalk, under shade and feel the cool concrete as you sat to play.  I bet the Dollar Tree still sells that fun little girl game.  I wish for a shopping trip to the Doller Store.  Lot of "bang for a buck."  But if I bought a set, I would have trouble getting down and up again, so I wont go shopping for that game of Jacks for myself.  How about you???

Betty Boop 


Amy said...

I was always terrible at Jacks. And don’t ever step on a lost jack barefoot!

Karen Buffington said...

My mom was a whiz at Jack's. I have a set of hers, minus the little red ball of course!