July 4, 2020


Hazy & lazy.  Hey, I made it rhyme !!  I do love for things to kind of come out even too.  I just saw 2 bicycles, two walkers, and two gaggle of geese.  How about that for coming out even?  Silly?  Yes indeed I am.  I am going silly from limited isolation. You know  I am the sort of person who really does not mind being alone sometime.  In fact, I need it.  But this being forced to it kind of is getting old.  When I do pass a person in the Halls, we both seem to be like strangers.  Some even hold a hand in a timid wave and don't try to speak.  That would be me.  It is like my voice is connected to my ears and I can't hear very well.  Oh, that is why I like the Blog.  I can talk and don't have to listen. 

The 4th is kind of subdued here.  Nothing really big going on.  I did not even notice watermelon on the lunch meal.  No firework show at Liberty Park, which I have always seen from my Balcony.  I really , when I think about it, never cared for fireworks anyway.  I was so instilled in the danger of them as a child.  I remember being aloud to hold a sparkler, but Daddy held the Roman Candle for us.  And firecrackers made  me scared.  So all in all it was just lost on me.  SO BE IT.

Betty Boop
P. S.  Just rambling.

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