July 15, 2020


Nice flowing kind of word.  Kind of new in our everyday conversations..  Don't really like it's meaning.  While a brief time on the Balcony, I declare you will not believe this.  At least 35 Canada Geese were doing just that.  At least 6 feet apart.  Floating along, not "talking". and not wearing mask.  Their hands were clean from all the water.  They suddenly parted and made a couple of lines and floated up Lake.  Meeting over I guess. Also saw a maintenance man driving a cart with a sidewalk sweeper behind.  Sweeping the walkway!! Now isn't that nice for the walkers.  No pinecones or sticks to trip them up. Plus no other gifts the Geese leave behind.  I  did not see another soul walking.  Too hot already.  Stay cool.

Betty Boop

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