March 22, 2021


I had a restless night but "Joy comes in the morning."   And what a beautiful one.  I saw "MISS BIG HAT."  She traded her flower pot hat for her hoodie, but I know her walk.  It is with such purpose.  I like it.  Also the couple I see who walk with purpose too.  Now that is the way to go.  Perfect for walking.  If I stayed longer, I bet I would see  more walkers  for today.  No wind, just perfect temp. Truman and I walked some in the evening.  Charlie, our poodle (left to us from Amy), knew the signs that we were getting ready to walk.  When I got out his leash, he would go "nuts",  Truman wanted to smack him for all the jumping and dancing and howls.  But he did not lay a  hand on him and neither did I, he was a spoiled little poodle.  We had more cats than dogs over the years.  You know mine now?  Bitsy is the best one yet.


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