March 10, 2021


Where is Julie Andrews?  My hill is not as high as in the SOUND OF MUSIC, but they are alive!!  The Meadow across the Lake is turning green.  I am always amazed each Spring how fast things move once it starts.  Before I know it, those guys with the big mowing machine will be roaming again.  I like to think they love the job as they go round and around in a pattern only they know.  I hope I never see the day when greedy souls will build out that beautiful  sight I see each morning.  There was once talk of just that happening in the future.  Lord, let that idea die.  But I digress. I don't think that will happen for a while.-------The popcorn tree is hiding the only bluebird house that is occupied.  I actually saw a bird sitting on another.  Maybe they don't like me spying on them.  I must be more careful and hide when I am looking at them.  54 degrees was as pleasant as it gets and I was reluctant to come in.  Keep thinking about these  empty flower pots.  Be still a little while longer.  After Easter and I will bloom again.


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