I feel like a Spy sometime, when I observe people when they don't know I am looking. I am not hiding, just looking. I saw lady with her two sweet cockers. One always pulls to come on the grass below me. She releases it and away she runs to find her "spot". Done with the job and lady rushes in to leash her and to pick up the deposit she leaves--in a poop bag. Done and done, they go merrily on their way. Next a lady with her hands holding her hips. Problem there. Then a man walking with purpose. I turned my attention to a balcony below, where a lady came out, inspected her flowers and sat down and bowed her head as in prayer or meditation. Stayed a few moments, got up and gazed over the Lake. Then, it seems, satisfied, she went back inside. So the many different people, I saw, had different things on their mind. I will never know what, or is it any of my business? Just curious I guess. Hey,-different note: Had a wonderful Cyber breakfast. Two eggs over-light, sausage, Rye toast. coffee and a fresh orange from my own kitchen fruit bowl. MMMM good.
BETTY (on the job) BOOP
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