Can you really capture it in a bottle? One of my hand soaps says you can. What does a sea breeze smell like? Try to describe it. Can't be done. Nothing like letting your hair go it's own way and turn your face to the sea breeze. I can't tell you how I feel but why not try it for yourself. O, K, here we go. Saturday is the day. The rain seems to be gone for now. Of course rain on the Beach is different from just everyday rain. It blows in with a mighty force sometime and when it leaves, the sun looks so happy to bring beautiful sunsets. Also the morning breaking is a sight to behold and to put in the Memory Bank for check out later. I guess I missed my calling as a Weather Girl, as the weather says so much to me. I guess I would get carried away in my poetic way and sound kind of silly? But I do appreciate the beauty of this world, even with it's many flaws (mostly brought on by man) and appreciate it. And the Beach is high on the list of beauties. Come on now, get to work and let's go see it again.
BETTY (high hopes) BOOP
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