October 31, 2021


I missed you at breakfast, because it was a winner.  Started with half a small grapefruit (good), then thick and fluffy whole grain waffle, Log Cabin sugar-free syrup with KERRYGOLD pure Irish butter with strawberries & blueberries, turkey bacon, coffee.  Mmmm  great!  Have you ever been to Ireland?  If you have, you probably went to Scotland, and Whales,,& England.  Been to England several times to start tours.  Wanting to see as much as we could, I am afraid we did not get to see a lot of each country.  Needed to go back and spend more time touring the country side and small towns and villages.  I feel  my roots are there.  I am glad I married a man who loved to travel, we spent many good time doing all kinds of travel. Ireland was one of the favorites.  But I digress.  To top off the morning,  I get to go to Church too.  Count your blessings, Name them one by one -- Old Methodist hymn See I was paying attention, Mother, even though you thought otherwise.

BETTY(pay attention) BOOP

October 30, 2021


Yes, getting to be a habit.  I mean Breakfast-In-Cyber.  Seemed the right thing to do today again.  I praised the 2  very  soft scrambled eggs.  Cooked to perfection, bacon, and a no, no, a good old Cyber biscuit, coffee there and one for the road.  Great!!.  55 degrees and a little nippy to sit out, I sipped inside and did watch my birds enjoy crumbs.  You know, I thought how much fun and pleasure I get from writing each morning in my blog-THE DOT SPOT.  My two very talented grand-daughters set it up for me a while ago.  Since then I have come to depend on it.  For release of thoughts, forming words of wisdom, silly expressions, deep feelings and a way to talk to you.  Thanks to whoever reads and I will try to keep it up-if you will read.  Otherwise it is a pleasure to just try to write.

BETTY(did not start out to be so "deep") BOOP  

October 29, 2021


 First, breakfast in Cyber.  Two eggs "over-light". sausage and Rye toast and better than usual coffee.  First to order. Don't mind  breakfast alone, kind of like it that way.  Yesterday a new memo.  WE ARE NOW NOT REQUIERED TO WEAR MASK IN INDEPENDENT LIVING!!!!  (if you have the "shot". Of course.  Felt undressed  as I walked to  breakfast. but free.  Hope to keep it this way.  Also we are having a Clothing Sale  today.  Maybe I will pop in and shop for a sweater.  It is getting that time.  The Activity Room was full of clothes.  They open at 8, so I will wait till later and the crowd thins, and take my chances. I don't really need clothes, but as a woman, I like to shop.  Have missed my favorite place--DILLARD'S PETIES. I do wish you could see my Pansies-in-Pots, on my Balcony. They are all holding their pretty face up and smiling. Thanks to A.  What else can I write?  Things are doing well now.

BETTY (keep it that way) BOOP  

October 28, 2021


Yep, I am dressed in two robes and knee-high wooly socks and I am good to go, with coffee in hand and graham crackers for Buble' family.  And they came and dined in style this morning.  Rain gone for now, but it left us with very pleasant weather.  Enjoy.  The people are out walking this morning. STAUNCH AND STURDY couple, MR. FLOWER POT HAT,  MAN ON THE RUN,& A  NO-NAME GUY. (yet). OH me, how I do spend my time. Well, I remember being put out with my Mother and her observations of people--here I am  doing the same.  Just passed it on down to me.  Youth can be a cruel time.  But we grow out of most of it.  Hey, know what is good?  Pimento cheese stirred in you egg as you scramble it.  Try it.  Be brave today.

BETTY(being brave)  BOOP     

October 27, 2021

A, HAH!!!! 60 degrees

Does orange show up o. k?  Just   getting into the mood.  Everyone likes to decorate for Halloween here.  Quite a show in the Halls.  I got cool on the Balcony, even though I was dressed for it.  I had the best start for breakfast.  Half grapefruit to start.  My oatmeal was filled with the best blueberries of the season, so big and plump, added a couple of very good strawberries.  Ended with whole wheat cheddar cheese toast & coffee of course.  Good start?  I saw a brave couple walking and also MR. FLOWER POT HAT .  The sun is up and they are starting right. Went to see my very handsome ear Dr. yesterday.  Got hearing aids cleaned as well as ears themselves.  Must say, I do notice a difference.  J. & I picked up lunch from TRACEWAY GRILL.  Best meatloaf.  And veggies to  match.   My they were busy with many customers. Seems people are bravely going on with business as usual. Hope we are not  rushing it.

BETTY (just glad to be out) BOOP   

October 26, 2021


Kind of nice out there.  I am skipping balcony time to get ready for Dr.'s appointment.  Must have ears checked twice a year.  Hope it goes well.  Pick up lunch. I always get overwhelmed when I decide.  It is such a treat.  That part should be fun, but going to any of my many Doctors is always stressful.  But it keeps me going. Daughter # 1 compares me to Queen Elizabeth & Betty White--we keep on going.  So "short but sweet"  this morning,

BETTY (also short but sweet) BOOP

October 25, 2021


Hot this time of morning.  Lady Summer is holding on.  She is pretty and pleasant,  but she has outstayed her welcome.  Mr. Fall with all his bluster and confidence needs to come,  with all the welcome he brings.  My little Pansies (we will plant today)  love cooler weather.  So come on-- you are welcome.  Change can be good.  Church yesterday was good.  Good to sing and pray and see people of faith.  The faithful few are indeed that few, but "cream of the crop" , as the old saying goes.  Must ask Mr. Google just what that means.  Will let you know when I figure it out.  You need to add that to your knowledge, I am sure.  Lets stop being silly and get on with whatever is there for today. 

BETTY (have a good one) BOOP


October 24, 2021

64 degrees and SUNDAY

Beautiful day so far.  Then every day is a beauty.  Going to Church with daughter # 3.  She is also bring me pansies.  Of course they bring back memories.  I have a cute picture of daughter # 1 picking pansies at our first house on Meadow Ridge Drive.  So I have almost always had them in the Fall.  Now they have to grow  gathered in the pots.  But still pretty.  I hope I don't "kill"  these, like everything else this time.  They hate hot weather and we have been having too much, to late this season.  We will see. 

To hurry this morning I had a Cyber sausage-biscuit with a soft boiled egg, orange juice and a side of stewed prunes with coffee.  Good hurry up and hope it will carry me till lunch time.  My BS has been going wild.  Can't figure it out.  Up and down the scale it goes.  Sometime I think I should just forget it, but when I do--I am sorry.  Well-SO BE IT. Have a  great day.

BETTY(think too much)  BOOP  


October 23, 2021


Well not true.  I took a chance on having lunch in dinning room yesterday without making plans ahead.  Well low and behold I was seated with 3 (count them) men.  A first for me.  A DELIGHTFUL CATHOLIC PRIEST, A LOCALY KNOWN FORMER ARCHITECT, AND A FORMER SCARRY BANK EXAMINER. I know them all  have been here a  while.  But there I sit, trying to be entertaining, (as a lady should) and really enjoying the kind of conversation men carry on.  What are the odds of that?  Really funny day in all

Pray for me this morning,  for I have done it again.  Had a pancake for breakfast in Cyber.  That Trish is a good cook.  Her pancake was better than T,'s  I really praised her.  .  A scrambled egg and bacon and coffee rounded it out.  Here I go up the high sugar  scale.  I sure hope it is worth it.  Maybe a few quick little walks and lots of water will help. 

BETTY (lots to tell) BOOP   

October 22, 2021

56 AT 8 O. K.

Little late to catch the "fun ones".  But MR. RAM-ROD-STRIGHT just marched by.  See another on the other side of Lake.  Good walking weather.  The Village is coming alive. with some small restrictions lifted.  We have "together"  done a good job here of keeping us safe.  All seems quiet on the Goose Front.  Guess Friday is their day off.  So Resident Egret flew with confidence over the Lake shore and picked his spot to fish.  They are so beautiful, yet seem lonely.  Always just one.  Maybe that is meant to be.  I think many live on the REZ. 

On a breakfast note:  My oatmeal looked surprised when not only did I put banana, but stewed prunes with it.    Nice  new combo.  Orange juice, turkey bacon and toast with a dab of honey.  Coffee -- did I tempt you?  Of course to top it off with coffee, is the way to start anybody's day.

BETTY (so let's get started) BOOP)

October 21, 2021

Oh no!! 72 degrees

Summer time again.  That is the way of the South.  Little slow in change.  I see small bales of pine straw all rolled up, in flower beds.  Just waiting to be spread.  Getting a new up-date for the Fall.  Always looks nice.  I am getting a little up-date too with a fresh  hair cut today.  Always an uplifting duty.  I am glad for a place to go, just down the hall a bit.  Someplace to go?  Sort of.  Cleaning lady comes today too.  Another "perk." So those are my plans for today.  If things go as planned,  I will be happy. Plans, Plans, Plans.

BETTY(betting on plans) BOOP 

October 20, 2021


YES,  Nice out there.  Did not want to come in.  If today is good as yesterday, I do want to get on with the day.  Dinning in the dinning room for lunch was such a mixed experience.  All good, I think.  With old friends, Pat, Judy, and Shirley.  It was 3/4 full.  Nice amount of people.  Some are still a little uneasy and so was I.  But the staff went all out to make it work.  Good people.  The food was good (on china plates) with real silverware and table cloths. napkins and new coffee cups.  Why it was almost too much to take in.  Everyone was talking at one time, never heard such chatter.  I was so "keyed up"  that my noon nap eluded me.  SO BE IT. I might try it again today---  So back to earth and the Balcony--  MR. RAM ROD came by,  MISS LADY WITH TWO FAT COCKERS did too.  It is perfect to walk.  I am sure many will walk today, but can't stay to watch anymore.  The clouds were interesting this morning, so  many kinds and I thought in terms of old church songs again, --HOW GREAT THOU ART.

BETTY (shall I sing it for you?) BOOP  

October 19, 2021


Feels good to be a little chilly. HALE & HARTY just breezed by.  I love the way they walk in step like marchers in a band.  Perfect.  Did not take them long to turn back.  I guess coffee was waiting.  Well today I have rounded up my old lunch group of ladies.  We plan to try the new lunch time  in the dinning room with full service, real silver, table clothes and napkins.  With people to take our order and serve us as in the "olden" days gone-by.   I can hardly remember how to act.  I hope they have managed to have enough help.  They have had the same trouble as many places getting enough staff.  We will see.  Just like everything else we have had to adjust to, we hate to change.  I have gotten so used to eating alone. And my balance has worsened 'till I am a little nervous to go it alone without my walker.  But I will try. There is always someone to help and understand.  SO BE IT. Did you know that among the last verse of Revelations are the words SO BE IT.? Read it and see.  

BETTY (wish to be a real Bible Scholar) BOOP

October 18, 2021


Well covered up for sure.  As the layers of blue sky and white clouds roll by,  I see geese, geese, and more geese. They seem to stop here on the way to somewhere else each morning.  What a sight as they take off in gaggles with a much to do.  I do love that a few pass right before my eyes.  How exciting to watch those creatures up close.  On a smaller scale- THE TOWN CRIER from the Bluble" family just landed and after surveying --  flew off to announce that there were biscuit crumbs waiting for breakfast.  Yes, I bought frozen ones from FRESHWAY PRODUCE a while back.  I baked and froze them for later.  This morning seemed the time.  I toasted one for breakfast.  Since they are very big and fluffy, I shared one half with my feathered friends.  What a treat for them and me.  

BETTY ( good start) BOOP

October 17, 2021


 I can not believe it.  I sat a while on Balcony,  all \wrapped up.  No wind, so it was fine.  MR, & MRS STAUNCH AND HEARTY came by. Good for them.  The were wrapped up too.  And moving right along.  I used to  have trouble walking with Truman.  He was so fast.  He held the title of FASTEST WALKER  at the YMCA where he spent several years faithfully going to Dr. Barksdale's Cardiac class.  That kept him going 3 times a week.  Walking is one of the best ways to exercise.   I read with much interest all my people I follow, about their day to day "doings."  Trips and places of interest they see.  I feel so small compared to them.  But I must remember, I had my day for adventures and trips and things to see.  I carry many happy times in the MEMORY BANK and check them out sometime, careful to deposit them back for safe keeping.  So all my friends, deposit many memories, they come in  handy.  

BETTY(going down that lane again) BOOP 

October 16, 2021

54 & breezy

Wonderful !!!  On Balcony.  The Lake looks surprised to be rippling in waves.  Breeze is blowing and the Geese are quiet, but floating and going with the flow.  What else can they do.  The promised cooler weather is here.  I for one am glad.  I dressed in my old "trusty" long robe with the hem pinned up with a big  pin, long knee socks and a cup of hot coffee, to warm my hands.  My it does not get better than this.  Walkers are out and walking briskly.  Egg and bacon, orange, juice drink, and rye toast sounds good as usual.  Coffee was welcomed too.  A touch of honey from Yazoo City topped the toast.  Good winter type breakfast (any time really.)  Saturday and what to do?  Must go and see what is up  Maybe a good CD day?  Old Willie sounds good..  

BETTY (always looking) BOOP  

October 15, 2021


I am looking for the cold front--how about you? I saw MR RAM-ROD-STRAIGHT.  Haven't seen him lately, but he is still looking good.  Bet he is a former General or something like that.  To start to "droop" in your standing straight is a sign of "old age".  I am not old, but getting there.  Being only 5  feet tall, or a little less, really 4  feet eleven, I can relate to trying to stand tall.  Being the shortest everywhere I go, can be a habit, to try to stand tall.  I have a pin on my GOOD SAM jacket that a friend gave me.  It says  'SHORT PEOPLE NEED MORE LOVE"  SO BE IT. A subject for a later Blog.   I plan one for later about paper towels and their history.  Jan and I wondered when they came into being!! You may be surprised to know they have not been around forever. That is a subject for another day.  I did ask Mr. Google.

BETTY (always looking for something to write) BOOP

October 14, 2021


The walkers are out.  MAN WITH FLOWER POT HAT, LADY I STILL LOOK GOOD IN SHORTS.  and LADY IN FLOWER POT HAT, you must get bored by my walkers.  So what else is new?  Not, much.  My yellow potted Mum is almost in full bloom.  I am glad I bought it.  I have had such bad luck this Spring & Summer with my balcony garden, so this plant is doing very well, and it looks happy, to be here-like me.  

Breakfast was a soft boiled egg, with a sausage biscuit from Cyber (I keep a couple in the freezer), a fresh orange cut up, and juice, and of course coffee.  I need the coffee to have an excuse to sit on Balcony.  I really like hot tea, but need cold weather for it to take the place of coffee.  We all have our little "ways".  Right?

BETTY (looking for a good day)  BOOP

October 13, 2021


First off, BREAKFAST IN CYBER. One of my favorite things to do.  We have a new worker there.  He is so fast and ready to please.  He had it by himself early and he can cook too.(I told him just that.)  He is a "keeper"  for sure.

With computer working again, here I am.  I washed Fall and Winter clothes yesterday.  And it turned Summer again.  But the weather guys and girls say, it will be a sort one.  O. K.  I am ready for a change.  How about you?  Small changes are happening here.  Next week, we resume dine-in service in the dinning room for lunch.  Full table service.  I am not sure I am ready for it yet.  I have gotten so used to eating alone.  I may have to "clean-up"  my table manners and conversation skills.  So many changes have come over the year that it is a little scary to go back to normal.  Do you feel that way?  I guess we are made to adapt to change,  I hope. I had my second cup on Balcony.  Neighbor fishing across Lake, man on sidewalk sweeper.  Cleaning up from the Geese.  A bird sounding off, pretending to be some other birds. What fun is that?  Oh, well, time marches on.  Lets march with it.

BETTY (in a silly mood) BOOP 


October 12, 2021


Computer man here came and got me back on track.  I really do rely on this laptop.  It is like talking to a friend each morning.  Need someone to talk to.  Thanks for "listening."  Did sit on Balcony as usual and the computer fellow  came about 9 and spent an hour with me.  We both decided I do need a new one.  I knew it already.  My he knew a lot about his work.  So little I know.  I will talk to Ed  later.  Till then, I remain:



October 10, 2021


Can't understand the Canada Geese.  They gather in droves and stay a few minutes and one by one gaggle they fly over and with such to-do.  Oh well-just enjoy.  A  few got lost and missed the flock --they flew right up close to my Balcony.  Kind of exciting. Oh well what else is new?  I have a new man to name and watch.  MAN WITH PLAID SHIRT AND FADED BLUEJEANS.  But what's different is his hat.  Yes it is one of the famous FLOWER POT variety. So funny.  Kind of at loose ends this morning.  Haven't heard if we go to Church yet this morning.  Hope to hear soon. Will get ready anyway.  Be ready.

BETTY (want to go) BOOP

October 9, 2021


 Even though it was for checking meds and other little pesky chores, it was good to have Jan to visit.  She is good at  dealing with little (& big) problems that I seem to always be knee deep in.  She is good on the phone talking her diplomatic and kind way. She gets it done.  Helped me with a few other things to make my way smoother and better.  What would I do without my "girls?"  Not too good I think.  I believe they are the reason I can still live in Independent Living here. They do so much to make it possible.  I am truly blessed.  Thank you Ladies!!


The Canada Geese are still acting funny.  Again several gaggles of them flew in again and went up Lake for a conference.  And then back, honking and flying overhead South.  Now they are born here and don't migrate I think, but do they still feel the urge to leave?  I don't know.  Interesting--they are.  I urge you to try the big and fluffy Eggo. whole  wheat waffles.  Sooooo Good!!


October 8, 2021

61 degrees wow!!!!

 Oh how nice on Balcony, finally.  When I first went out, many, many. Canada Geese flew in.  Oh, my, the noise level was way up there.  They seem to be just gathering for a take off. They stayed there for a while and then meeting over and they took off is gaggles.  Over the roof and away they flew.  Squawking--all the way.  Now it was peaceful again as walkers came by.  Perfect walking weather. Perfect Fair weather, people are saying.  Good.  Looks good on T. V. I hear the Taffy has gone up in price.  But the biscuits are still FREE.  I had my own biscuit for breakfast and a small piece of ham, left from dinner last night. I have told you before how "crafty" I am.  Just following my up=bringing.  After all I am a child of the Great Depression years. 

BETTY (proud of my past)  BOOP 


October 7, 2021


 Coffee with Lisa, our Director, first big crowd.  50 to a meeting and two meetings. One at 9 and one at 10.  Expecting a crowd.  Have not had many like this of late.  Progress for sure.  Of course you have to sign up, wear mask, and sit 6 feet apart.  SO BE IT.  I can do that.  I am going (of course at 9).  Always the early bird..  Hope to hear some good new.  Up early enough to have a good breakfast  of oatmeal with strawberries and grapes.  Why grapes?  Not but one strawberry left from chicken salad plate yesterday.  So I added what I had.  In case you  wondered. Was a nice breakfast with orange slices and an English Muffin toasted and turkey bacon.  You wonder how I eat such a complete breakfast, especially since I was a "picky" eater growing up?  Diabetic of course.  Need a good start that is healthy.  SO BE IT.

BETTY  (off to a meeting) BOOP

October 6, 2021


 Warm in pool.  Taking advantage of it this morning.  A couple.  Don't know if they were together or not.  Maybe.  She was calmly doing her thing-walking across the pool and waving her arms gracefully back and forth.  He was splashing like a whale.  Causing waves in the pool.  And at some point lifting "big" lifts over head.  My what a sight.  This went on the whole time I ate my breakfast inside and then as I drank coffee on the Balcony.  I hope they had breakfast first because they sure needed it after that workout  My, My.  The things I observe from (MY VIEW FROM UP HERE.) Hope they did not know I was watching. But what is wrong with that?  

It was nice and cool and cloudy  Perfect FAIR weather.  Needed more walkers.  Only saw two. I was a little later than usual.  Had to bake biscuits.  Yes I did.  Frozen ones from Freshway's  freezer.  So good with my scrambled eggs and bacon.  Nice slice of their tomatoes too.  Now try that with your eggs, if you care.  Must be fresh and a "real" one.

BETTY (glad I don't feel obligated to go to the Fair.) BOOP  

October 5, 2021


 I had a cute picture of A &B's dog Indy.  She was hiding behind the shower curtain.  I felt that way all day yesterday, when I went through the Med's & Insurance maze.  My what a mess you can make when you slip up and run out of one.  Round & Round Amy and I went.  Felt like Indy and wanted to hide.  Thought sure I had another bottle of eye drops (very essential)  in the pill basket.  Basket because it is too many for anything else.) Must be more focused.  And check more.  It is a full time job to stay on top of this mess.

O.K. I think we need to write something else. the distant cousin   of the Bluble'  family, (BOB   I call him.)  What was  he was doing yesterday, just sitting among the cracker crumbs of the day? With his head tucked under his wing?  Oh no!!  Don't let him pass away on my balcony.  He sat forever and finally lifted his head, looked around, and flew away.  Napping? In the middle of the day?  I must keep an eye on him. He was first in line today.  So he is O.  K.  for today.  Hope I will be too.

BETTY (always something to worry about)  BOOP 

October 4, 2021


Well  we did get there on time.  What a wonderful feeling, even though the sidewalk was cracked and uneven, my trusty little "balance helper" got me there and with my capable driver, we got there on time.  I had a glorious time.  To see old and new friends, Lance and Chuck, and to actually sing and pray and to also take communion, was almost more than my heart could stand.  I felt in the presence of the Lord.  It was a good day. Guess I was remembered after all.  Hope to repeat it next Sunday.

I started Monday off right.  Woke up early enough to get to the Cyber on time too.  Breakfast was perfect.  Cook knows how to cook eggs-over-light.  Two eggs  with sausage and wheat toast and two cups of coffee. One for Cyber and one for Balcony.  I fed the Bluble' family and watched the drama The fog had lifted and the birds were singing.  MISS LADY WITH HANDS BEHIND HER BACK, came by.  I guess hands behind  her back, give her balance.  I have seen her in the Hall walking the same.  SO BE IT.

BETTY (good to be remembered) BOOP     


October 3, 2021


I haven't been in person for  over a year.  Am nervous and excited.  Broadmeadow means so much to me.  Much of my married life is tied up in memories here.  I was about to give up on seeing it again. But after my booster shot, and Amy has her booster   too, we decided we would brave it.  Nothing more we can do but wear the mask and refrain from huggs  (will be hard.) This pandemic has been hard. but I have hope for better times soon.

Mr. JIMMY DEAN  met me this morning on my breakfast plate.  He said "Morning you"all.  Yes he did.  Was good and quick.  No time for fancy stuff this morning. 

BETTY (little pockets of happy) BOOP

October 2, 2021


My was it good!!!!  Picked it up on way home from an appointment.  # 3  daughter and I went yesterday.  Also stopped at Fresh Way on Old Canton R.  I enjoyed the ride as much as anything. I bought a beautiful yellow mum. (and boiled peanuts.)  Hope I don't "kill" it. The Mum I mean. So many changes you see when you don't get to go as much as usual.  Like a little mini-trip.        Another "little pocket of fun" this morning.  Breakfast in Cyber.  Guess what!  China  plates and real silverware. Dishwasher fixed and ready for service.  To be the first to eat and the dedicated cook, Trish, to cook my breakfast, with a smile, was pure joy.  Of course I may pay for that pancake I enjoyed-- later.  But like "Scarlet"  I will worry about that later. Sometime you just need a little slip in the rules, it is worth it. 

BETTY (weather is gloomy, but today I shine) BOOP


October 1, 2021


Missed writing yesterday.  Had an early (8:15) appointment with eye Dr.  Had an early (8:15) appointment.  Too rushed to write Blog.  My eye Doctor gave me as good as he could.  Said it was surprising that I could even see .   I have been knowing that for some time. He has always been amazed, I have been through so many surgeries and treatment for many years.  I was disappointed to learn he is getting ready to retire and this was the last time I would see him. Am I going to outlive all my Doctors?  SO BE IT.  I will miss his dry whit and patient care.  

On another subject.  It is warm and humid.  The Canada Geese are restless.  Honking as they fly in gaggles over head.  The Lake is so calm and smooth that  the Cyprus & Willows make perfect reflections, like a picture.  So pretty.

BETTY (thankful) BOOP