October 4, 2021


Well  we did get there on time.  What a wonderful feeling, even though the sidewalk was cracked and uneven, my trusty little "balance helper" got me there and with my capable driver, we got there on time.  I had a glorious time.  To see old and new friends, Lance and Chuck, and to actually sing and pray and to also take communion, was almost more than my heart could stand.  I felt in the presence of the Lord.  It was a good day. Guess I was remembered after all.  Hope to repeat it next Sunday.

I started Monday off right.  Woke up early enough to get to the Cyber on time too.  Breakfast was perfect.  Cook knows how to cook eggs-over-light.  Two eggs  with sausage and wheat toast and two cups of coffee. One for Cyber and one for Balcony.  I fed the Bluble' family and watched the drama The fog had lifted and the birds were singing.  MISS LADY WITH HANDS BEHIND HER BACK, came by.  I guess hands behind  her back, give her balance.  I have seen her in the Hall walking the same.  SO BE IT.

BETTY (good to be remembered) BOOP     


1 comment:

Amy said...

Good blog no matter how the day took a turn.