July 16, 2022


Opted for BUBBLE again. Half mowed Meadow called to the Canada Geese. Fresh green grass was there. I saw a lady (I have been baffled by her before. She seems to be "grooming" the sidewalk. Stooping to pull up weeds I think from the cracks. She has made her way almost around the Lake as I watched. I worried about the heat for her. What does she think is her job? She is a resident. O well, if she is happy-- so am I. The gaggles of Geese seem to know her, and they get along. I saw one other walker. 77 degrees is o. k. for them. The Crepe' Myrtle is still pretty around the Lake. Several gaggles of geese are floating. I saw a gaggle on the Meadow who seemed to be following directions, all rise and get in a perfect line, with the same distance between them. They followed the leader and jumped into the Lake taking turns, all 12 of them. Pretty sight. So, breakfast was good in the Cyber. Eggs over light for me this morning. All is well.

BETTY (let is stay that way) BOOP



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