July 9, 2022


When you take something as important as staying cool in the heat, for granted, it comes with a shock when it is gone. OH, my were we in trouble when the chiller as they called it went out and we were everywhere in the building without air conditioning. I called when I noticed early on but got no answer, so I went to find out. Everyone was upset. We found it was not just our floor or apartment, but all over. Jan brought a fan from Amy that saved me for sure. I went to bed with the fan on me and stayed cool till I woke at 11:30 to the air merrily clicking on and off as it should. This morning it is still going strong, but I will keep the fan a few days to just be safe. You know, when something happens to me, and I admit I look for excuses to award myself pancakes at the Cyber. So, with a small sack of blueberries in hand, I went and had my special cook make me wonderful breakfast. SO, BE IT. 

BETTY (never know what a day will bring.) BOOP

p. s. I really appreciate the brave men who worked in that dangerous heat to get us going again.

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