May 1, 2020


Good news from SCV LIVE  on TV18.  The exercise room where all the bikes and other exercise equipment is kept will open on Monday with restrictions of course.  It is such a popular room to many.  They will offer it by appointment only  Two persons at a time for 45 minutes.  Wear mask and leave 6 feet space from each other.  9am till 3pm.  What a wonderful break in rules.  I have a feeling we will see more in the near future.  Exercise is more important than ever.  Many more are walking due to nice weather.  I walk in the hall the full length of my building two time a day and do stretching from the TV.  Still I need to move more.  They say" if you don't use it-you lose it."  Another old  saying. I sometime think I talk that way too much. 

I think I am having red beans and rice with sausage for lunch.  Can't remember too well if that is right.  I know the workers in food service are getting tired of this new way to serve us, but I kind of like it, since I have gotten used to it.  I am planning to cook on Saturday and will tell you about it later.      I worked out a way to get papers to Mr. T. & Jan.  Need them both to  help on a few things.  Someone will come pick them up, take them to the front gate and Jan will pick them up when I call her.  Clever?  Many ways to keep afloat!!

Betty Boop

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