May 13, 2020


Hump day in the business world.  Means middle of week. I can't believe it is Wednesday already.  In some ways, it is slow, but others it goes along o. k.  I was just on the Balcony.  It is so quiet.  No birds making small talk, nobody walking or fishing  Maybe it is just the clouds.  A promise by the weather man that that too will change and we will have some good old sunshine.  Of course here in the South, humidity will creep into the forecast.  Weather always gives us change and something to talk about.  I saw a neighbor in the hall waiting for laundry to  come out.  She was sitting in the hallway outside the laundry room, as I delivered mine and Bitsy's daily trash next door to trash room (6 feet away)   She invited me to play games in the Bubble with others.  I can't get that close to others without worry.  They are going to wear mask, but, I am not a game player of any kind anyway.  So I passed that up.  I do love the exercise program on SCV TV 18 every morning and then I walk the halls two times a day.  I just had to walk down one day to see the Rose Garden.  Beautiful lilies of all kind are blooming.  Even the Easter Lilies.  They were late because Easter came early.  They are not on the calendar I guess. Well it is getting close to lunch delivery.  I like that.

Betty Boop

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