May 16, 2020


I am talking about a HAIRCUT.  Next week the beauty salon opens carefully.  Hope to get on the list and be a short hair cutie again.  We will see.  I am sure when they open for appointments, the list will be long.  We ladies take pride in our hair.  Another good opening (again carefully) is our pride and joy- the Library. Although the Kindle has been a life saver  and I thank those who helped me there, as Amy says "the beat goes on."  Little baby steps are observed here.  I am so thankful for those wise leaders we have here.  They are taking it extra slow and I agree. 

Thought for the day:  Proverbs 19:21----People may plan all kinds of things. but the Lord's will is going to be done."  and I say:  So be it.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yay! The library!