August 19, 2021


While sitting on Balcony this morning, I was startled by what I thought at first was a wasp, too large, bigger, a bumble bee?. no--it was a humming bird, looking me in the eye.  I brushed it away before I knew what it was. My neighbor below has two feeders,  I sometime see them buzz my space.  Mistake on their part--treat for me.  They are welcome. They are so fast, it was hard to really see it.  But I am satisfied it was one. Good and sweet start to the day.  Let's  see what else is in store for me.  It is already 78 degrees so I know it will be a hot one.  But after all it is still Summer Time.  "AND THE LIVING IS EASY."  Could not resist the old lyrics from an old, old song.

BETTY (hope your day is easy) BOOP   

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