March 9, 2023


 In Mississippi, we have many seasons. Take Spring, their sub-titles. We go in and out of them before the main one stays. Easter is April 9th. Usually there is a "light Winter" around that time. Tell that to the trees and flowers and grass. They don't wait for the real thing. Maybe that is what is going on now. The Pre-Spring? Well, don't pack up the sweaters and sweat shirts just yet. So-Be-It.

I told the Bluble" family this morning,(they sent two Scouts to check) to go find the bugs, there are many coming out and they are young and tender, and they need the meat!!  The two Scouts that came, did not stay long. Today is History Club and I am expecting my usual guest to share it with me. The subject is PRESIDENT EISENHOWER: First Term. During the Korean War. Terrible time for us and him. So, the day is set, let us go enjoy.

BETTY (not a real History buff) BOOP

p. s. but I enjoy the company of my son-in-law  

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