May 6, 2020


I feed the birds.  Should not have started it.  They make a mess.  Mr. Blackbird is trouble.  He comes with his feathers all ruffled and plays the part of a "bully" to the hilt.  He even runs his mate off till he gets his fill.  Poor little sparrows have a hard time getting any crumbs.  That is what I feed them, crumbs.  They love the cornbread. Some people are like Mr. B.  They come to any situation with their mind made up and bully their way till they win.  I haven't met anybody lately like that.  In fact I haven't met anybody new or old lately.  Same old thing everyday.  Kind of gets old after 7 or more weeks.  Would enjoy even a "bully."  I used to feed the birds on Riverwood.  The Goldfinch was a favorite.  So pretty to watch the beautiful gold color emerge.  They kept me busy filling the feeders.  I just write what I see before me and make  up stories about what I see and think.

Well have a happy day and watch out for the "BULLIES."

Betty (no bully) Boop


Anonymous said...

Same here. It is sad when all it takes to entertain me is a cup of coffee and these stupid squirrels. Let's be thankful for this beautiful weather and look forward to better days ahead. Ivey

Dot said...

I think everyone I am able to talk to, says this is a slump and turning point. Kind of like accepting and looking forward for better times. It is just beyond my imagination that it is taking so long. My daughter woke up my KINDEL and put free library books on it. It is being delivered this afternoon. Can't wait to see if I remember how to turn it on and off. Wish me luck. I am out of reading material. But anything will be good to read. BETTy Boop