May 2, 2020


As you have found out, anything to watch is permissible.  Old movies were pretty lame according to new ones.  I notice the language is different in a lot of ways.  In my day, the word "swell" was used frequently.  I started to thinking if it is really is a word.  My big old Webster's is at my side when I write.  Still don't always get it right.  But swell is a word  with many meanings of course.  The slang meaning is what I was looking for.  It means :first rate, excellent, a generalized epithet of approval.  So when you said someone was swell it was a complement.  Also if you were said to have a swelled head-an exaggerated notion of one's own worth. or conceitedness. Wow!! I like the first meaning.  So have  a "swell" day.  I will use it that way.

Betty Boop

websters is a constant when I write. 

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love me some dictionary. Now my online one gives me pronunciation, so I use it instead.