December 18, 2020

29 Oh No!!

Let's heat it up by writing in RED,  I miss a fireplace.. Standing, siting,  laying on the floor (with one you love)  is another beautiful memory.  I remember one time, when the electricity went off and the heat was off. we made a bed on the floor in front of the fire and kept each other warm.  Now that is one for the Memory Bank. Everyone surely has a few to remember.  Cherish them-for they will serve you well someday. I know.  I live a great part of my time checking out memories.   I saw the Star in the east this morning.  You have to get up early to see it.  Always a good start to look to the heavens first thing in the morning.  Hey, here comes the sun.  Let's go find the Elf-on-the shelf .  He was in the dinning room yesterday.  Had to have a little lunch I guess.



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