December 29, 2020


46 sounds nice, but the fog has moved in and with it damp air.  Not to pleasant for Balcony.  My chair pads are damp anyway, so here I sit inside  again.  Switching to regular, everyday cups for coffee, does not upset me.  I can roll with changes with the best of them.  Some get upset over their favorite cup and fret about it-not me,  I have always been one to make the most of what I have and be happy with little surprises.  I pray a lot.  Don't need ritual and protocol.  Just a quiet moment and I am good and done.  That is where I am this morning.   Yesterday I finished taking down the decorations, even in the Hall table I keep going.  Winter scene with snow men and polar bears and white flowers.  Looks O. K.  Better next time.  I am running out of ideas and stuff.  Can't go to my favorite DOLLAR TREE and buy something new.  That is O. K. too.  People forget what I put out last year and we have new residents who have not seen my displays before.  I know I am rambling, but I have a lot on my plate this morning,  Better tomorrow, I always say.   BETTY BOOP

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