December 11, 2020


 I was up early-- before sunrise.  I saw over the Chapel cross the star in the east.  Shinning so bright, I was excited to see it.  And you  have to wonder if it is the same star that shone so long ago?  I think so.  As the sun rose, the sky became full of every kind of cloud I could imagine.  No artist could capture the beautiful pink and blue. I could not enjoy a sight more striking.  I was  moved almost to tears.  As usual, I searched for little holes in the  clouds that I call windows to heaven.  I am sure Truman is peeking through and smiling at me.  Call me crazy, I am sure you do, but that is the thoughts I have.  O. K. enough preaching.  I tend to do that from time to time.   So have a good day and enjoy the blessings of the season.


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