December 26, 2021


The Lake is smooth,,except for a few small ducks. But here come a gaggle of noisy Canada Geese. Honking - "we are here."  TWO LADIES came by,  Kind of busy, walking off all that pecan pie. Our Christmas dinner was the best. Every dish was perfect. Much conversation about where the old dishes came from. Was it my Mothers' or was it mine? Maybe nobody really knew. Anyway like many of you, the traditions are what we mostly have on these special occasions . Some brave the new and that is good. I thought that sitting in the middle of the long dinning table  would be good. I could not hear well from either side. Hated that. I had to bow out early as I got very tired .I am revived today and am just basking in the memories. I do that well. 

BETTY (have a good day) BOOP

P.S. How many ways can you make turkey dressing? Or is it stuffing? Answer:  As  many cooks as there are in the world. !!!

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