December 28, 2021


Now I have your attention-have you had them lately? I got a "hankering" for them yesterday. I always think of them as a thrifty kind of dish. Kind of homemade when the cupboard was slim. Because we had it during the Great Depression I guess. Must have been cheap then. Not now however. Guess we have fished the seas to a low rate since then. My Mother made them often. Anyway as I was saying, I cooked them yesterday. You know, the old fashioned way. Mashed up, juice and all, white cracker crumbs, egg and stir into patties. Let them chill before you fry in hot oil, drain well and eat with plain old tomato ketchup. I forgot what a mess it makes. With the air vent going and a door open to the outside for air, the smell still saturated everything, even me. I wiped every surface with disinfectant, washed all  it touched, even me. I changed shirts and still it lingered. But my they tasted good. I have two patties in the freezer and it will be a while till I fry them. I do not fry much anymore and I forgot!!

BETTY (little drama) BOOP 

P.S. Although they remove the bones now, they used to leave them in-My Mother mashed them up in the mix, said the bones were good for me.


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