December 2, 2021


Ballet Magnificat!!! My it was beautiful and what a start to the Christmas season.  Over 40 beautiful young ladies and two young men performed to perfection in our activity room yesterday.  Nice crowd cheered them on.  It is so good to see dedicated young Christian men and women doing something they love.  They told the Christmas story in dance.  So beautifully told that I was very touched.  The reading of scripture read by one beautiful dancer was inspiring and she shared her faith with us at the end.  It was so different from all the bad news we hear each day.  It gave me Hope for the future, and the old, old, story was new again.

On a more mundane note, I saw a new walker.  I will call him--MR. MY HEAD WILL BE THERE BEFORE THE REST OF ME,  He was walking fast, like he could not get there fast enough, so he had his head out there before the body.  Kind of funny.  He did take time to look up and he kept looking as if he wasn't sure of what he was seeing.  I started to wave, but thought better of it.  As the Irish say,  "Let that hare lie"   meaning don't go there.  Good choice?

BETTY (up to no good)  BOOP     

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