April 6, 2022


Here I am with the birds in the green trees. One is screaming, "Teacher, Teacher, Teacher!!!! A quick answer came " (then) Teach, Teach, Teacher!!!  I declare that is what I heard. I quickly spread my wings and flew as far as I could back to the Balcony. My mind has been going around an idea (suggestion of # 3 daughter.) Not that she said teach exactly but write poems again. We have been reading THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY, and she suggested since I have traveled many a highway in my days, maybe a poem about that subject?  I admit it does conure up a lot of subjects to ponder. Just not in the middle of the night, please. Will think about it some today. I think she could write stories and poems too. I am still surprised at the many, many poems and essays that tumbled out of this feeble brain and on to paper. But I have been in a dry spell lately. Many people have found themselves there too and not all about writing. 

BETTY (get out of the trees old girl) BOOP

p. s. Seek and ye shall find.

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