April 26, 2022


Regular appointment with ENT Dr. and also  I wanted to see  my Audiologist to check my hearing aids. Seems I am not catching every word anymore. Hope I just need an adjustment to my Aids.  My ENT Dr. is just for a cleaning, which I have to do regularly. My I do require a lot of maintenance. Just like your car, must keep it running . Sometime smooth and sometime rough!  Oh, well, what else is new? The rain has moved on out and we will have smooth traveling for today.

Yesterday I cooked fresh yellow squash, okra, and an "almost there" tomato. So good. And easy to do. Today, I guess A. and I will eat out after my appointments. Wonder where? The choices are fun. We will see.

BETTY(even giddy about Dr. appointments)BOOP

p. s. how pathetic!!



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