I thought of Ireland this morning. My Florida granddaughter and family recently came home from a trip there. Oh, how green everything is and dotted with sheep, sheep, sheep. My first impression as we flew in over green fields was," Is heaven like this?" I really think it is one place I would like to see again. We traveled a lot over our years for two "country bumpkins." I will get the photo album out and go there again. I hope they made good "memories." Speaking of the Memory Bank, I came across a picture that I attempted to draw one time. It was of the Memory Bank that lives in my head. I will show it to you sometime. Always wanted to paint or draw. I have a framed picture I painted of my version of Amish Men. I was taken in by going through Amish country at one point. I was impressed by the plain clothing they wore. I dressed my men in the picture with colorful overalls and patterned shirts. They look happy. What name shall I put on the back. You know who wants it? Not yet!!!
BETTY (I am not ready to "go" yet) BOOP)
p. s. are you?