January 19, 2023


 Computer is online this morning. Maybe the weather has something to do with it. Hey, I had a treat.  Well part of one. I opened my Trader Joe's coffee this morning. Two bags have been in the freezer since Christmas. A gift from my "Boys." Was tempted to throw out Mr. Kroger's breakfast blend. But being thrifty as I am (can't help that", I used it up and waited. Trader Joe's is very good and I was excited to get it. We do not have a single one of those stores in Mississippi. Anyway, I got a small taste of what is to come. You see, I had half Kroger and half Joe's. Could not even discard a tablespoon of the last of Kroger. But even that helped. So good on the Balcony. 

BETTY(end of the story for today)BOOP

p. s. some people have little to say, but make something out of nothing!!!  that is me. Some call it creative?

pps:  Did you watch the new NIGHT COURT? What did you think?

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