January 11, 2023


Oh, No. I turn my back and don't watch everything from the Balcony, this happens. POPCORN  tree is putting out popcorn balls. It really is not mixed up. They can do it early, so MSU says on the website. Just a few balls down low, but I saw them. It can be a beautiful sight and I hope this does not mess it up too much. As you can tell, I did brave the Balcony with two robes on. I feel so much better. Thanks to good old fashioned meds. Just could not stay inside looking out, one more day. 

I ate a good breakfast of oatmeal with strawberries. I guess my taste is off a little. Berries did not taste as good as they should. I am not surprised when I think of what went on in my mouth and throat for a few days. Enough said about that sad journey, ONWARD we go.

Have a good day. and I will try also.

BETTY (as old Willie sings)--"On The Road Again" BOOP

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