March 25, 2020


Yes  another day.  Much like the one before.  And in another way-one more day closer to the end of the virus plague.  I had a second cup-o-joe on my famous Balcony.  I saw lots of activity.  Man fishing, wonder what if anything he catches?, Several walkers, that is a good thing, saw a maintenance man checking something, don't know what., I also saw a man come out on his balcony and survey the land.  I said !!!!.  Hello, no response.  I said louder  HELLO!!!.  And then GOOD MORNING.  Still no response.  I decided he was hard of hearing, for he does speak in the hall.  I try to think the best of everyone and not the negative.  This is funny, they said for everyone to come out on their balcony at 3 and wave to your neighbors.  Think that will happen.?  I like the idea.  The powers that be are thinking of everything to keep us engaged.  SO BE IT!!

Friendly Betty Boop

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