September 19, 2020


Cold again.  63 or 68 depending on who is reporting.  I think it is time to break out the long winter robe to be able to sit outside on Balcony.  A thick coffee cup would be in order too.  Don't have anything like that to keep coffee warm.  Oh well, what else is new?  I know, I have a fun thing to look forward to for today.  A. is picking me up at 10 and we are going to sit on J's screened porch and visit.  Being outside (sort of) we can take our mask off!!  What a treat.  However, I hate to let my girls see how this virus thing has affected my looks.  I seem to have aged somewhat.  Maybe they have too.  That is not as important as getting to see them and talk in person.  I am glad I have a flannel shirt still in closet, as I bet it will feel good.  Sun is out and it will be warmer by mid morning.  

Tell you details later.

Betty Boop

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