September 1, 2020


As you see it is after 8.  Had one of those nights when I woke in the middle of night and could not go back  to sleep.  Ever happen to you? What to do but just get up and read.  I have plenty good book, thanks to daughter #3.  She picks some good ones. belongs to Book Club and all. Thanks to her.  I read for an hour and went back to bed and to sleep.  Made up that hour by sleeping an hour late.  You lose some-and gain some.  Sounds fair?  Not really.  It throws me off routine, being a Senior you know.   We love routine.  At least I do.  Bitsy was late for her breakfast too.  She took it in stride and said, oh well at      least it is here now.  I cut time on Balcony short. Just as well for me too- the LOVE BUGS are out there, loving.  Poor things, I feel sorry for them. I guess there is purpose for everything, be it human or something else.  

Maybe I will cut the chit chat and get down to the business of the day, whatever that is/

Betty Boop

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