September 16, 2020


 II don't understand this computer.  If it keeps messing up, I will just ditch it for a new laptop. (maybe). Anyway, it is working now.  I went to th BIG CLOSET SALE this morning.  I do miss looking and shopping, so it was fun.  Spent $3.  It was very interesting how we had to wait 6 feet apart and they let 10 in at a time.  It is a large room so it was safe.  Stuff I did not need, but got it anyway. I bought a small bald baby doll.  So sweet and cute.  It will go in the little chair in the hall from time to time.  I bought a little white cream pitcher to add to my collection (someone one day will probably  add that to another sale.  What goes around comes around.  Two decorative straw dolls to add to one of my table creations some day.  Be prepared is a good motto. Anway it is all in fun and adds to the Christmas Fund for employees.  Have'nt heard yet the outcome of sales.  From the looks of the crowd, I hope it was a success.

Betty Boop 

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