August 8, 2023


 I watch and decided something different each day, confirming how little I know. And want to know. I was at the point of doing something about the Battle. Glad I backed off. I wanted to help my little Hummer friends. I could pour hot water on the feeder full of bees and wasp. As excitement built and I felt brave. I then decided --if I do that, I risk the chance of flinging the whole thing down three stories and then where would I be? So. I backed off and let it be. Let them work it out. Who am I to change the course of Nature? Over night a mighty force gathered (2) mighty force against the enemy. Smart thinking. (as Truman used to say.) They. together forced the Bugs to the other side and all pulled up a chair to the table. Each time a bug got of lime. a Hummer would dive and remind him of his place around the table. So they all had their fill. Now as all good thing do come to an end, this did not last long and they are still diving at each other. I thought----just like humans..

75 degrees-can you believe it? I am sure it will not last. Let us hope for a little rain to keep it cooler. 

BETTY (stay tuned for news of the B &B's)BOOP

p. s. I will look for something else to tell you.

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