August 29, 2023

68 degrees is perfect.

 There was a meeting around the table last night. The Hummers are deciding when to migrate. This morning I saw 3 drinking at one time. Don't see that often. They are "tanking" up I think for the drive to warmer climate. As they always do. Still here this morning. but soon they will depart from here and be back later I hope. Please take the wasp with you. 

It really was strange to feel a cool breeze, but so welcome. I am sure Summer weather is not over yet but enjoy. Please send some rain for our grass. I have not seen Freddie the Feral cat in a few days. After all he is a traveling man. I tiptoed down the hall early in my robe and gown to my neighbor's who has a birthday today. She is such a nice girl and I like her. Others do too, she already had cards at her door. Mine is the pretty one with the tissue flower on top (my signature.) Love doing that, but my hands sure did stumble while I made it. It is so simple to make, but my hands just wont do what my brain tells them to anymore. Lack of communication is slowing me down. Oh, well. slow can help you "Smell the roses." so it is said. 

BETTY (mmmm they do smell good,) BOOP

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