August 11, 2023


 Dreams !!!! I have them. You do too. Mine are many and vivid. I wonder why?  Do I not really go into deep sleep? I do wake up a lot each night. But lately my dreams have been sometime disturbing. I keep dreaming of long ago people and events. Wish I could have a sweet dream or none at all. Oh well. if  you wish upon a star--dreams come true. Maybe I will try that. That reminds me of all the wonderful movies I have seen. Being a MOM, I got to see a lot of movies made for children. . I have not been to any movie in a long time. I doubt if I could stand the noise and largeness of them now. PBS will have to do. So do you watch any of them. I only have regular cable and have enough to watch. I have my books and that is fine with me. 

How did I get off on such mundane subjects. Goes with being "in the 9o"s"  Way in the 9o's.  SO BE IT!!


p. s. as I have said before, I need to get out more, but I don't want to. 

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