August 9, 2023


 And what a wonderful visit. They brought hugs, smiles, news, flowers and much, much JOY to me. Such growing they have done since seeing them. Girls are beautiful, and  one handsome brother. So delightfully full of news. And wonderfully polite manners. Oh, yes, they brought their Mother, Grandmother. and Mr. T.  the proud Grand Daddy. I was overwhelmed with them. I loved hearing them all talk (sometime at the same time) telling me all they are doing. My, to be so full of Life. I took them proudly down the Hall (Emily riding shotgun on the Red Rover) With Oh's and Ahha"s from everyone. I was so proud to show them off. We went to the Cyber to try out the wonderful Blue Bell's new freezer box of treats. Snicker Bar covered ice cream was a hit. M & M cookie ice cream for the little one. Even J, Mr. T. and the Mom of the group enjoyed something special from the "freezer of wonder." Up at my Hall Table that I maintain, I handed them each a little homemade bag to put anything from the Beach Scene to take home with them, to remember the Beach. The little girls  chose the mermaid dolls and shells. The "man" of the group chose a stately Pelican and shells too. The mementoes will have a good home and remind them of the wonderful years we spent at the Beach, just like their Great Grandad planned it. Oh, what a nice day I have to check in my Memory Bank. I will check it out often, enjoy, and carefully check it back in. 

BETTY(blessed)   BOOP

p.s. and I know it !!!

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